Transforming Spaces

Our Role:

WordPress Website Design

Parallex Integration

Animated Banner

Project Gallery

Portfolio Description

Front Door Home Staging

Front Door Home Staging stands as a beacon of sophistication in the realm of home design, renowned for their mantra “sold at first sight.” However, their online presence failed to mirror this elegance, prompting a collaboration with our team to redefine their digital footprint.


Despite their sterling reputation in the industry, Front Door Home Staging’s website lacked the finesse and allure expected from a luxury brand. The challenge lay in transforming their digital platform into a visual masterpiece that resonated with their upscale clientele.


In response, we embarked on a meticulous WordPress web design endeavor, infusing each element with opulence and refinement. Through carefully curated imagery, refined typography, and strategic use of white space, we cultivated an online ambiance synonymous with Front Door Home Staging’s sophisticated ethos.


The outcome was nothing short of transformative. Front Door Home Staging’s revamped website now serves as a virtual showroom, captivating visitors with its allure and elegance. With enhanced user engagement, bolstered brand perception, and a notable uptick in lead generation, the new website has solidified Front Door Home Staging’s position as a trailblazer in the home staging industry.


Increase in Website Traffic

Achieved a boost in organic website traffic within the first three months post-launch, resulting in a significant rise in online visibility and brand awareness.


Boost in User Engagement

Recorded an increase in average session duration, indicating improved user engagement and a higher likelihood of conversion among website visitors.


Lead Generation Uptick

Generated a rise in qualified leads through the website’s contact forms and inquiry submissions, demonstrating the effectiveness of the revamped design in driving customer inquiries and potential business opportunities.

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