Crafting Visions, Building Dreams

Our Role:

WordPress Website Design

Mobile Responsive Design

Fast Loading Speed

SEO-Friendly Structure

Content Management System (CMS)

Analytics Intergration

Clear Call-to-Actions (CTAs)

User-Friendly Navigation

Secure and Reliable

Brand Consistency

Engaging Visuals

Portfolio Description

AMK Architects

AMK Architects, an award-winning woman-owned business, specializes in new construction, renovations, and additions for residential and commercial projects. With over 80 years of collective experience, their diverse team offers comprehensive design and planning services, serving various industries and clientele.

Launch Website


AMK Architects needed to revamp their website to better showcase their expertise and attract clients. Their current site was not user-friendly and failed to effectively communicate their unique value proposition and experience. They sought a solution that would improve navigation, reflect their brand identity, and highlight their collaborative approach.


Our team redesigned AMK Architects’ website on WordPress, focusing on user-friendliness and aesthetics. With our expertise in UX/UI design, we created a streamlined navigation system for easy exploration of AMK’s portfolio and services. We also incorporated engaging visuals and compelling content to showcase their expertise and collaborative approach.


The revamped website not only improves AMK Architects’ online presence but also positions them as industry leaders, ready to tackle diverse architectural projects with creativity and excellence.

wordpress website design


Improved User Experience

The redesigned website offers intuitive navigation, allowing visitors to easily access information about AMK’s services and portfolio.


Enhanced Brand Visibility

Engaging visuals and compelling content accurately represent AMK’s brand identity and extensive experience, effectively attracting potential clients.


Increased Collaboration

Partnership with GMD Design Group expands AMK’s network of experts, enabling them to undertake projects of varying scales with confidence and expertise.

wordpress website design Orange County
Orange County wordpress website design
wordpress website design Orange County

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