Given the current condition with novel coronavirus, not only the lives of people are threatened, but also the situation of business looks grim. Times are uncertain, and while the lives of people have come to a halt, now is the time for companies to think of ways to improve.

People are getting online more than ever;hence, it becomes of utmost necessity to have an impactful brand presence. This pandemic is not going to last forever.But maintaining visibility and a robust digital footprint will undoubtedly work in your favor when the world resumes normalcy.

Here are a few changes to be made to your website to improve your online presence right now.

Improve your home page

Your home page is the reflection of your brand. More often than not, users tend to evaluate a company based on their website’s home page. For instance, if you were to go on a blind date, you would put your best game on and not just wear the first thing you can pull from your cupboard. A gigantic 38% of users stop engaging with a website if they find the content boring and the layout unappealing. You don’t need to turn your website upside down to give it a new look. All you need is a little makeover and give users something to cling onto.

Make your business accessible

Many businesses require live demonstrations of products and services, trade shows, and presentations. These Marketing activities have been put on hold due to the novel coronavirus. One way to mitigate this situation is by putting up more online videos and demos on your webpage. This will help your customers make better decisions, even if they cannot visit your store physically. Along with that, you can invest some money in communication and collaboration tools, which would help you to walk your customers through your products and services.

Work on your website’s navigation

We’ve already stressed enough on the unprecedented situation this pandemic has brought. You can’t afford any customer to bounce from your website without making a purchase. Your users should not feel confused while trying to purchase on your site. Presenting them with a clean, easy-to-navigate website will enhance user-experience and increase brand loyalty. Just good content won’t do the job. If your website cannot fulfill your users’ needs, your content, no matter how good, will simply sit there without making any impact for your business.

Review your website analytics

Many economists across the world have predicted a downturn in the economy globally.This is not the right time to experiment and invest money in campaigns that won’t give results. You must consider how to allocate your marketing budget and through only the best channels. Make sound decisions after adequately analyzing your Google Analytics. If you’ve never set up analytics on your website, we can help you set it up so that you can start collecting data about what’s happening on your website.

Highlight what’s important

Many companies are sharing business continuity plans during this pandemic as a blog post or a separate webpage. Since your website is the face of your business, it is essential to post the continuity plan and all the crucial details about your business on your website.

You can also create a temporary banner on your website to highlight urgent messages that need to be conveyed to your clients.

You can also provide a contact page and FAQs. A contact page makes it easier for customers to schedule appointments and contact your team. An FAQ accordion will give answers to the basic queries of customers in an organized manner.

Need Help?

Contact us to strategize your website at the earliest. Our years of experience have given us a unique perspective onweb designing and marketing in various conditions. We are also providing free consultation on why it is all the more necessary to have an impactful online presence. Book your free slot today!

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